Hey all! ? Here’s a warm welcome, plus some practical tips on identifying real links vs. fake ones—protect yourself from phishing attacks with confidence!
Phishing is a type of cyber attack which uses emails, websites, text messages to trick people share their sensitive data, downloading viruses/malwares, stealing credentials etc. Attackers usually disguise their websites, emails or messages exactly like a legit website so as to fool a victim into thinking the website/emails they are dealing with is from a legit entity.
Every festival we receive wishes from our loved once, often on whatsapp or in the form of text messages. And during this time someone on the whatsapp group sends an offer message often from well known online stores such as amazon, flipkart. This message looks luring, often ask people to share this message on multiple groups and has a link in the bottom asking people to click on it and take part in survey to win a jackpot. This message looks something like this:
If you look at this message this looks legit as it has link preview wth Amazon logo, a title contains Amazon and a free gift in the body and they are offering these free gifts on the occasion of their 30th anniversary. Now a person who is not aware of phishing attack would probably click on the link and land up on a page where attacker would ask him to fill details that could be used to gain access to his account on amazon.
The link in the message that I have highlighted with red is "https://majestway.top/amazonEaster/tb.php?_t=1620830176" and this is not the legit link for the amazon. I will tell how I was able to figure this out.
Here is the another example from facebook:
This email from facebook's team is about permanent deletion of an user's account and there is a link to "Request a review" so that you can save your account from deletion. Now the email receiver would naturally panic and click on the link to request a review and would try to save his account from deletion if he don't have any idea the link he is clicking is not legit and originally from facebook.
Search for entity you have received a mail, text or message from, in my example I made a search for amazon on google. That gave me very first search and within that I can figure out the url for amazon just below title and that is "https://www.amazon.in" as shown in the figure below.
This part is little technical but I will try to simplify it for you. Every url is consists of these parts [protocol]: //[subdomain].[domain].[tld]. For example, lets understand this with "https://www.amazon.in":
As we now have an url for amazon obtained from google and know the basics of how url is constructed let's decode the URL for the fake amazon link from the example above.
Whenever I verify a link I start from TLD, so let's start verifying this link: https://majestway.top/amazonEaster/tb.php?_t=1620830176
Let's take another example from Facebook's account deletion mail:
Let us take another more complex example of adidas. Check this URL: https://adidas.christmas-special.dealsoffercoupons.com/adidas-free-shoe-offer
I hope I was able to educate you how you can validate and verify url and save yourselves from clicking on it.
This is how a attacker trick a person into landing on their phishing site and collect personal data from them and ask them to download viruses/malwares on their computer or mobile phones.
So don't fall a prey for these links be a smart and use this guide to understand how you can rule out the link if that is legit or fake.